How Social Media Influences Food Trends

Everybody loves food, who doesn't?

Most people love to take photos of what they eat or drink and post them on social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, to name a few. The tweets are retweeted, and posts are liked or shared with others in the social media spaces. Within minutes, or even seconds, the post on that food, drink, or even restaurant is trending and instantly becomes a hit.

Food, a "measuring stick of cool"

Food, as New York magazine posts, is a "playground for one-upmanship" and "a measuring stick of cool".

For most people, eating out and then snapping photos of their foods signify their social status – they have the money to dine out and can afford to have a food experience that others would envy and want to experience. For some, sharing food experiences is all "about sharing passions and hidden gems" in the world of food social media.

Food social media offers free ad and marketing to a food business. Especially if the post came from a celebrity or someone famous, the restaurant or the dish gets thrust into the limelight. This growing phenomenon often called the "eat and tweet" mentality, has deluged social media feeds with delightfully delectable foods.

The art of it all

It's not just simply taking photos with your mobile device, there's an art to it.
Often labeled as "#foodporn" in food social media, enticing images or videos are created of mouthwatering foods. The images or videos would be so visually appealing that people would want or desire what they're seeing, and they would share the visual feast with their social media circle. Soon enough, that delectable food image or video becomes trending. That is the power of social media.

Online presence

More and more food businesses are making their presence felt in the food social media. It's not only to push their message out there and make their brands known. It's also to connect with and find out the concerns and feedbacks of their loyal or potential customers.
But with billions of social media users globally, it's not enough for food businesses to just have an online presence if they want to convert the tweets, likes, and shares into sales.

Strategizing and promoting the brand

Strategic social campaigns are vital for a business to really have an impact on the food social media scene. These campaigns would include evaluating the brand, analyzing the competitors, developing social media insights, and other such strategies that are in tune with the business' goals or objectives.

In the competitive world of food social media, every post should contain original photos, videos, and creative designs. This is to ensure that the brand travels well when shared. Other essentials for an effective social media presence also include content creation, influencer outreach, and more.

Promotions and ads would also help businesses take their brands to the next level. New and innovative social media promotions and advertising strategies would greatly entice social media users to their brands.

To be or not to be in food social media Indeed, social media greatly influence food trends due to its huge following and reach. It would be wise for food businesses to get on the bandwagon that is the food social media phenomenon.

